Browning 2018 Dark Ops Pro Trail Camera Review

2018 Browning Dark Ops Pro Review trail camera review

This is an outstanding no glow IR trailcam. Bombardment life is elevation-notch, the look/feel/interface of the camera is among our favorites, the detection speeds are very fast and the flick quality is solid. - TCP Staff

Model # BTC-6HDP | Night Ops HD Pro Owner's Manual

Dark Ops Pro FAQ'due south

  • Very solid motion picture/video quality
  • Fantastic bombardment life
  • Extremely fast detection circuit
  • Internal moving picture viewer
  • Movie recovery fourth dimension has a glitch (see comments in Detection Excursion category)
  • Max of 20-2nd dark videos

Browning completely redesigned their pop Dark Ops sub-micro camera and the final effect has left us impressed. Near every category nosotros exam shows substantial improvement. These improvements have resulted in a monster comprehensive score for this Browning Dark Ops HD Pro trail camera.

Picture Quality:

Photo resolution: xviii mpxl (interpolated)

Video resolution :  1296x720 w/ sound

Flash Type :  No glow IR

In a diverseness of conditions and camera trap setups, motion-picture show quality is proving to be a existent strength for this camera. When yous view the photos in full resolution, you will notice some pixelation, just other than that, daytime pictures are great. Color, clarity, and depth are all impressive.

I annotation on daytime pictures, the color has a heavy yellow/greenish tint.

Night pictures have above average range for a no glow but there is some graininess to the images. The camera can suit for up-close shots of animals, preventing the typical "white-out" seen on other models. If there is a weakness in dark pictures, it would be with moving animals. As you tin meet from the sample photos below, we have seen some mistiness on moving animals at nighttime.

[powr-image-slider id=318bc35d_1505312745]

Videos are shot at 1296x720 w/ sound. Much similar the pictures, you will see an improvement in color. These day videos are pretty good, only not the top-notch quality y'all see in the Browning Recon Forcefulness & Spec Ops cameras (1920x1080 resolution cameras). There is some pixelation to the videos when viewed in full-screen.

Night videos have a express wink range and are much darker than the Strike Force Pro (reddish glow). Nosotros consider the night videos to be average for a no glow camera.

What if y'all buy from usa and aren't happy with the epitome quality?

This is a common question and we have a very uncomplicated solution. Call, email, or chat with the states and we tin can take a expect at the images and offer suggestions or immediately tell if something is wrong with the camera. If so, we will warranty the camera for you (with the complimentary 2-Twelvemonth warranty you lot receive from united states) or return the photographic camera for a full refund (within xc days of purchase). You have control of the process, remember, we work for y'all.

Megapixel Ratings:

In the past, many people get confused with the megapixel rating trail camera manufacturers annunciate.  Companies inflate the mpxl rating to attract eyes to their products.  They do this through interpolation, which digitally adds megapixels to a photo without actually improving the picture.

The best way to judge picture quality is to look at actual pictures.  Y'all will notice this the most when you zoom in on a full-size paradigm that a camera has taken.  The details of the photo volition appear hazy or even digitized.  This is normal, and to be expected.

Battery Life:

Picture & Video Resting Power (on):   0.74 mW

Film Daytime/Nighttime Ability Consumption:   i.7 Ws |  two.two Ws

Video Daytime/Dark Power Consumption: 9.3 Ws | thirty.five Ws

Battery life is insanely efficient. There is inappreciably any room for comeback in the Dark Ops Pro'south efficiency. We have never seen lower, more efficient video power draws. The improvement could be in big office to the new infrared emitter the camera utilizes.

Picture Mode

If this camera were to take 35-solar day and 35-night pictures every 24 hours, the Dark Ops Hd Pro would last 13.5 months in the field on a set of 6 AA Lithium Batteries . We consider this to be outstanding, especially considering the camera only uses half dozen batteries.

Video Way

If this photographic camera were to accept xv-day and xv-night videos (10-2d videos) every 24 hours, it would concluding 4.1 months in the field on a gear up of lithium batteries. This is some of the best video battery life currently on the market.

Detection Circuit:

Flick Trigger & Recovery Speed: 0.21 s.  / 1.2 due south. *

Video Trigger & Recovery Speed:  0.4 south.  / 2.0 s.

Detection Range & Bending:  ninety-100 ft. | 39.4° (42.5° F.O.5.)

Picture trigger speed is extremely fast and a large improvement over other Dark Ops models. Video trigger and recovery times are also tremendous. This is i of the fastest video cameras currently on the market. The Nighttime Ops Pro has outstanding detection capabilities.

* Motion-picture show recovery fourth dimension will take a bit of explaining. In a series of recovery tests, the Dark Ops Pro has a unique pattern when constant motion is in forepart of the camera. The recovery time is exceptionally fast on seven consecutive triggers, but on the eighth trigger the camera takes roughly 6-seven seconds to recover. This is how it looked in ane of our tests:

  • 0.3 due south.
  • 0.537 s.
  • 0.27 s.
  • 0.633 due south.
  • 0.267 s.
  • 0.54 southward.
  • 0.29 s.
  • 6.715 s.

This happens consistently and we accept made Browning aware of the result. For the purpose of our scoring and rating organization, we volition proceed to charge per unit from the average, which over the course of dozens of triggered events, is 1.2 seconds.

Detection range is xc-100 ft. but the detection width is less than the field of view. This results in very few empty or "false" triggers, merely the camera does not find the full width of the picture. Points were taken off the detection rating for non detecting the full width. The field of view is 45 degrees and the detection width is 25-30 degrees.

Quality of Design:

Dimensions:  4.25" x 3.75" x 3.25"

Bombardment Type:   six AA Batteries

External Battery Jack:   12-Volt

The Dark Ops Pro's instance design has seen a radical re-pattern. Just like all other Night Ops models, the Pro is super minor and easy to carry/conceal. The case feels actually solid and durable. Browning added an adaptable metal back bracket that swivels up and downwards (virtually a 30° range of movement). The bracket allows for easy upwards and down adjustments without using twigs for shims. If you demand more adjustability, we'd even so recommend a Slate River Mount.

Browning made the SD cards easier to load and unload (much easier than other Dark Ops models). The but downside we constitute is the battery eject push takes a flake of work to unlatch. Look to use a sturdy fingernail.

Temperature ratings the camera records have a tendency of being unreliable and off by a meaning margin.

Overall, the case design on the is outstanding. It is everything yous'd wait from aquality trail camera.

Camera Setup

The Nighttime Ops Pro has a small internal viewer that makes camera setup and film/video playback extremely easy. The viewer is a huge improvement and the live-view chemical element eliminates the guesswork to setting up for the perfect trailcam shot.

The internal setup should only take yous a infinitesimal or two - at the nearly. Even though the internal viewing screen is small, Browning was nice plenty to enlarge the words on the screen for those of us with poor eyesight!

The Nighttime Ops Pro can accept SD cards up to 512 Gigabytes. This is more enough storage than you could ever utilize.

SD Card Storage Examples

With a 16 Gig SD bill of fare and the photographic camera taking 4 mpxl photos (this is our recommended setting equally it is closest to the native resolution), the Night Ops Pro could store 9,008 pictures on the SD card.

With a xvi Gig SD carte du jour and the camera taking 1280x720 videos (called "Ultra" video quality in the settings), the Nighttime Ops Pro could store 508 x-second videos.

From this information, you can extrapolate out storage capacities of different sized SD cards and different resolution settings. We give you a xvi Gig SD card with the purchase of this camera through u.s.. If you need additional or larger SD cards, you lot tin store all SD card options here.


The only issue we have noticed is a deport-over from 2016/2017 models. If yous turn the Dark Ops Pro off, while continuing in front end of the camera and with the recovery time set to the fastest setting, the camera may go along to shoot dozens of pictures as long every bit you are being detected. We hoped to see a firmware update that fixes this, but to date, we have not. In the meantime, a quick and dingy fix for this is to place your mitt over the PIR lens of the camera while shutting it off. This will proceed the photographic camera from taking pictures.

Through our 2-year warranty program on the trail cameras we sell, we are able to rails warranty rates on all trailcam manufacturers. We do not publish this information onlyBrowning trail cameras have proven to be a durable photographic camera for united states of america. If an issue arises in this model, nosotros will update this Browning Nighttime Ops Pro Review immediately.

Since 2005, our mission has to been to provide consumers with unbeatable value, advice yous tin trust, and customer service that exceeds expectations. There are a plenty of places you can choose to practice business with, if we are lucky enough to earn your support, nosotros hope to give you our undivided attention. Trailcampro has grown each year non only past relying on your happiness merely on the assumption that if we blow yous abroad with customer service, yous will brag virtually us to your friends (have you seen our referral/advantage programme?).

As ever, if you have additional questions, feel free to telephone call, electronic mail or conversation with us. We look forward to helping you notice your next trail camera!

Bask our reviews?  Delight consider purchasing your next trail photographic camera from the states.

FAQ's:Browning Dark Ops Pro

Q: How do I view the pictures?

A: There are a number of means to do this. Pictures/videos are stored on the SD card you place in the photographic camera. The Dark Ops Pro has an internal viewer that replays pictures and videos the camera has taken. Hither are some other methods for viewing images:

  • View pictures on your estimator. Plug the SD menu in a desktop computer or laptop via the built-in SD carte reader or use a USB reader if your computer doesn't have one. This method works for most tablets likewise. With this method, we recommend having two SD cards per camera then you can swap them in the field.
  • View pictures on your smartphone. Buy the Stealth Cam IOS & Android Reader in order to view images on your telephone. Phone readers require an app to access the photos, you lot tin can read more most these via the previous links.
  • Trail Camera Viewers . While more expensive, handheld viewers are useful if y'all don't have a smartphone or run multiple trail cameras.

Q: Volition this trail camera trigger on pocket-size animals (birds, rodents, etc.)?

A: Trail cameras discover on a combination of heat and move, so, yes, small mammals will trigger the camera. Nonetheless, if yous are going subsequently smaller warm-blooded mammals, we recommend getting the camera closer to your target. For best performance, place the camera in an area that would enable picture detection from 3 - xx ft.

Q: Can animals meet the infrared flash on this camera?

A: This is somewhat controversial. Humans tin't run across the flash every bit the nanometer spectrum is above what the human middle can detect (that is where the 940 comes from in the Dark Ops proper name). Information technology's as well much harder for an creature to see, just that could depend on the species of animate being as different species see in different light spectrums.

Q: Where can I purchase this camera?

A: From u.s.! We hope to woo you with our incredible amuse, two-twelvemonth warranty, 90-day returns, free continental U.S. shipping, and technical expertise. If that isn't plenty, we give you an 16 Gig SD card with this camera and you can telephone call and talk our ear off anytime.

Seriously, though, we know yous have enough of options of where to spend your hard-earned money. The internet tin be the wild, wild, west of likewise-goodhoped-for-true deals. If you cull to practise business with us, we will go out of our way to make sure you lot are happy with the camera yous select and the service we provide y'all.

Nosotros are passionate nigh testing and reviewing trail cameras, but about importantly, nosotros are passionate about treating our customers the right way. We do things differently from what yous take come to wait from other internet retailers and we hope yous requite us the opportunity to bear witness that to yous.

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